


  • 如何创建RootStore
  • 如何使用RootStore
  • 如何创建子Store
  • 组件中如何使用子Store






import { createContext, useContext } from "react";



import CounterStore from "./Counter/CounterStore";
import TodoListStore from "./Todos/TodoListStore";



class RootStore {
  constructor() {
    this.counterStore = new CounterStore();
    this.todoListStore = new TodoListStore();



const RootStoreContext = createContext();

const RootStoreProvider = ({ store, children }) => {
  return (
    <RootStoreContext.Provider value={store}>



const useRootStore = () => {
  return useContext(RootStoreContext);



export { RootStore, RootStoreProvider, useRootStore };


// 第1步:引入createContext, useContext
import { createContext, useContext } from "react";
// 第2步:引入子Store
import CounterStore from "./Counter/CounterStore";
import TodoListStore from "./Todos/TodoListStore";

// 第3步:创建RootStore类,将实例属性链接到子Store
class RootStore {
  constructor() {
    this.counterStore = new CounterStore();
    this.todoListStore = new TodoListStore();

// 第4步:使用createContext

const RootStoreContext = createContext();

const RootStoreProvider = ({ store, children }) => {
  return (
    <RootStoreContext.Provider value={store}>

// 第5步:创建一个自定义钩子来获取Provider中的value
const useRootStore = () => {
  return useContext(RootStoreContext);

// 第6步:将RootStore类,Provider和钩子导出
export { RootStore, RootStoreProvider, useRootStore };

Creating a centralized RootStore is an essential step in managing state effectively in a React application, especially when using MobX for state management. The RootStore pattern allows us to create a single point of reference for all our stores, making them easily accessible throughout our application. Let’s break down the steps and the corresponding code to understand how this is achieved.

Step 1: Import createContext and useContext

We start by importing createContext and useContext from React. createContext is used to create a new Context object — a React construct that enables components to share some global data without having to pass props down manually through the component tree. useContext is the hook that allows us to tap into the context data within our functional components.

import { createContext, useContext } from "react";

Step 2: Import Sub-Stores

We then import our sub-stores, which in this case are CounterStore and TodoListStore. These stores contain the state and logic for different parts of our application. CounterStore might manage a counter’s state, while TodoListStore might manage the state of a list of todo items.

import CounterStore from "./Counter/CounterStore";
import TodoListStore from "./Todos/TodoListStore";

Step 3: Create the RootStore Class

Next, we create a RootStore class. The constructor of this class instantiates the sub-stores and assigns them as properties of the class. This way, we can have all our application’s state managed in one place, and it can be easily extended by adding more sub-stores as needed.

class RootStore {
  constructor() {
    this.counterStore = new CounterStore();
    this.todoListStore = new TodoListStore();

Step 4: Use createContext to Create a Provider

We use createContext to create a RootStoreContext. Then, we define a RootStoreProvider component. This component uses the RootStoreContext.Provider to wrap its children, providing them with the value of the store prop, which should be an instance of RootStore. This makes our RootStore accessible to any component in our app using the useRootStore hook.

const RootStoreContext = createContext();

const RootStoreProvider = ({ store, children }) => {
  return (
    <RootStoreContext.Provider value={store}>

Step 5: Create a Custom Hook to Access the Provider’s Value

We create a custom hook called useRootStore, which allows us to easily access our RootStore from any functional component. By calling useContext with RootStoreContext, we can get the value provided to the context’s provider, which is our RootStore instance.

const useRootStore = () => {
  return useContext(RootStoreContext);

Step 6: Export the RootStore Class, Provider, and Hook

Finally, we export the RootStore class, the RootStoreProvider component, and the useRootStore hook, so they can be imported and used in other parts of our application.

export { RootStore, RootStoreProvider, useRootStore };

By following these steps, we have set up a scalable state management structure that leverages React’s context system. Below is the complete code assembled from the steps above:

// 1. Import createContext, useContext
import { createContext, useContext } from "react";
// 2. Import sub-stores
import CounterStore from "./Counter/CounterStore";
import TodoListStore from "./Todos/TodoListStore";

// 3. Create RootStore class that links instance properties to sub-stores
class RootStore {
  constructor() {
    this.counterStore = new CounterStore();
    this.todoListStore = new TodoListStore();

// 4. Create a Provider using createContext
const RootStoreContext = createContext();

const RootStoreProvider = ({ store, children }) => {
  return (
    <RootStoreContext.Provider value={store}>

// 5. Create a custom hook to access the value in the Provider
const useRootStore = () => {
  return useContext(RootStoreContext);

// 6. Export the RootStore class, Provider, and hook
export { RootStore, RootStoreProvider, useRootStore };





import { RootStore, RootStoreProvider } from "./stores/RootStore";



import Counter from "./components/Counter/Counter";
import TodoListView from "./components/Todos/TodoListView";



const rootStore = new RootStore();


在我们的根组件App中,我们使用RootStoreProvider组件并将rootStore实例作为其store属性传递。这样一来,RootStoreProvider就会将rootStore实例提供给所有子组件,这些子组件通过context API访问到状态。

function App() {
  return (
    <RootStoreProvider store={rootStore}>
      <TodoListView />
      <Counter />



export default App;


 * 使用RootStore的步骤:

// 第1步:获取RootStore和Provider
import { RootStore, RootStoreProvider } from "./stores/RootStore";
// 第2步:引入被包裹的Children
import Counter from "./components/Counter/Counter";
import TodoListView from "./components/Todos/TodoListView";

// 第3步:创建RootStore的实例化对象
const rootStore = new RootStore();

// 第4步:将实例化对象作为Provider的store然后包裹Children从而形成视图根组件
function App() {
  return (
    <RootStoreProvider store={rootStore}>
      <TodoListView />
      <Counter />

export default App;

In a React application, utilizing the RootStore pattern for state management requires a series of steps to integrate and utilize the RootStore. Here’s a detailed explanation of these steps along with the corresponding code:

Step 1: Retrieve RootStore and Provider

Firstly, we need to import RootStore and RootStoreProvider from our stores directory. These are the context and provider we just created, which will allow us to access and provide state across our entire application.

import { RootStore, RootStoreProvider } from "./stores/RootStore";

Step 2: Import Wrapped Children

Next, we import the components that will require state management, exemplified here by the Counter and TodoListView components. These components will be able to access the application state through the RootStore.

import Counter from "./components/Counter/Counter";
import TodoListView from "./components/Todos/TodoListView";

Step 3: Instantiate RootStore

At the top level of our application, we create an instance of RootStore. This instance will contain instances of all sub-stores, forming the core of our state management.

const rootStore = new RootStore();

Step 4: Wrap Children with Provider Using the RootStore Instance

In our root component App, we use the RootStoreProvider component and pass the rootStore instance as its store prop. This way, the RootStoreProvider will provide the rootStore instance to all child components, which access the state through the context API.

function App() {
  return (
    <RootStoreProvider store={rootStore}>
      <TodoListView />
      <Counter />

By doing this, our App component becomes the root of the view component tree, containing all the child components that require state, and these children can access the application’s state through the RootStore. We also ensure that the RootStore‘s state is shared among the components.

Export the App component as the main entry point of the application.

export default App;

Through the steps above, we’ve established a structure that can share and manage state across different layers of the application. Below is the complete code assembled from the steps:

 * Steps to use RootStore:

// Step 1: Retrieve RootStore and Provider
import { RootStore, RootStoreProvider } from "./stores/RootStore";
// Step 2: Import Wrapped Children
import Counter from "./components/Counter/Counter";
import TodoListView from "./components/Todos/TodoListView";

// Step 3: Instantiate RootStore
const rootStore = new RootStore();

// Step 4: Wrap Children with Provider Using the RootStore Instance to Form the Root View Component
function App() {
  return (
    <RootStoreProvider store={rootStore}>
      <TodoListView />
      <Counter />

export default App;





class TodoListStore {



todos = [];
filter = "all";



constructor(todos) {
  if (todos) this.todos = todos;
  makeObservable(this, {
    // 注解...



makeObservable(this, {
  todos: observable,
  createTodo: action,
  removeTodo: action,
  unCompletedTodoCount: computed,
  filter: observable,
  changeFilter: action,
  filterTodos: computed



get unCompletedTodoCount() {
get filterTodos() {



changeFilter(filter) {
createTodo(title) {
removeTodo(id) {



async loadTodos() {
  runInAction(() => {



export default TodoListStore


 * 创建一个Mobx的Store的步骤
import TodoStore from "./TodoStore"
import {
} from "mobx"

import axios from "axios"

class TodoListStore {
  todos = []
  filter = "all"

  constructor(todos) {
    if (todos) this.todos = todos;
    makeObservable(this, {
      todos: observable,
      createTodo: action,
      removeTodo: action,
      unCompletedTodoCount: computed,
      filter: observable,
      changeFilter: action,
      filterTodos: computed

  get unCompletedTodoCount() {
    return this.todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed).length;

  get filterTodos() {
    switch (this.filter) {
      case "all":
        return this.todos;
      case "active":
        return this.todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed);
      case "completed":
        return this.todos.filter(todo => todo.completed);
        return this.todos;

  changeFilter(filter) {
    this.filter = filter;

  createTodo(title) {
    this.todos.push(new TodoStore(title));

  removeTodo(id) {

 const index = this.todos.findIndex(todo => todo.id === id);
    this.todos.splice(index, 1);

  async loadTodos() {
    let todos = await axios
      .then(response => response.data);
    runInAction(() => {
      todos.forEach(todo => {
        this.todos.push(new TodoStore(todo.title));

export default TodoListStore

Creating a MobX store involves a systematic approach to setting up observable state, actions, and computed values. Here’s an explanation of the code snippet provided, detailing the steps for creating a MobX store:

Step 1: Create a Class Ending with ‘Store’

We start by defining a class that will serve as our store. The naming convention typically ends with ‘Store’ to signify its purpose in the application architecture.

class TodoListStore {

Step 2: Initialize State Before the Constructor

Before the constructor, we initialize the state with its initial values. Here, todos is an array that will hold our todo items, and filter is a string that will determine which todos to display.

todos = [];
filter = "all";

Step 3: Set Up Constructor Function

Inside the constructor function, we can inject external references, make network requests, and annotate instance properties and methods using makeObservable.

constructor(todos) {
  if (todos) this.todos = todos;
  makeObservable(this, {
    // Annotations...

Step 4: Annotate State and Methods with MobX Decorators

We use observable to mark the state that MobX should track, action to denote methods that will change the state, computed for derived properties based on the state, and action.bound to enforce the this context inside actions.

makeObservable(this, {
  todos: observable,
  createTodo: action,
  removeTodo: action,
  unCompletedTodoCount: computed,
  filter: observable,
  changeFilter: action,
  filterTodos: computed

Step 5: Computed Methods Act as Getters

Computed methods are essentially getters that recalculate their value when the state changes.

get unCompletedTodoCount() {
get filterTodos() {

Step 6: Actions for Modifying State

Methods annotated as action are primarily used to modify the state.

changeFilter(filter) {
createTodo(title) {
removeTodo(id) {

Step 7: Modify State Inside Unannotated Methods Using runInAction

For methods not annotated, we wrap state modifications inside runInAction to ensure they are treated as actions by MobX, which is important for asynchronous operations.

async loadTodos() {
  runInAction(() => {

Step 8: Expose the Store Class

Finally, we expose the entire class. What we’re exporting is essentially a blueprint for creating a TodoListStore instance.

export default TodoListStore

Here is the complete code after the explanation:

import TodoStore from "./TodoStore"
import {
} from "mobx"

import axios from "axios"

class TodoListStore {
  todos = []
  filter = "all"

  constructor(todos) {
    if (todos) this.todos = todos;
    makeObservable(this, {
      todos: observable,
      createTodo: action,
      removeTodo: action,
      unCompletedTodoCount: computed,
      filter: observable,
      changeFilter: action,
      filterTodos: computed

  get unCompletedTodoCount() {
    return this.todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed).length;

  get filterTodos() {
    switch (this.filter) {
      case "all":
        return this.todos;
      case "active":
        return this.todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed);
      case "completed":
        return this.todos.filter(todo => todo.completed);
        return this.todos;

  changeFilter(filter) {
    this.filter = filter;

  createTodo(title) {
    this.todos.push(new TodoStore(title));

  removeTodo(id) {
    const index = this.todos.findIndex(todo => todo.id === id);
    this.todos.splice(index, 1);

  async loadTodos() {
    let todos = await axios
      .then(response => response.data);
    runInAction(() => {
      todos.forEach(todo => {
        this.todos.push(new TodoStore(todo.title));

export default TodoListStore


在React组件中使用MobX 6来管理状态涉及一系列步骤,旨在确保组件能够响应状态的变化。下面是对提供的代码片段的解释,详细说明了如何在组件中使用MobX 6:



import { useRootStore } from "../../stores/RootStore";



import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite";



const { todoListStore } = useRootStore();



  onClick={() => todoListStore.removeTodo(todo.id)}



export default observer(TodoView);

通过以上步骤,我们确保了React组件能够有效地利用MobX 6进行状态管理,同时响应状态的变化。以下是根据上述解释整理的完整代码:

 * 组件中使用mobx6的步骤:

import { useRootStore } from "../../stores/RootStore";
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite";

function TodoView({ todo }) {
  const { todoListStore } = useRootStore();

  return (
    <li className={todo.completed ? "completed" : ""}>
      <div className="view">
          onClick={() => todoListStore.removeTodo(todo.id)}
      <input className="edit" />

export default observer(TodoView);

In React components, using MobX 6 for state management involves a series of steps, aimed at ensuring that the component can respond to changes in the state. Here’s an explanation of the provided code snippet, detailing how to use MobX 6 in a component:

Step 1: Import the Hook to Retrieve the Store from the Provider

First, we import the useRootStore hook from the RootStore module. This hook allows us to access the state provided by the RootStore in our component.

import { useRootStore } from "../../stores/RootStore";

Step 2: Import observer

To enable the component to update in response to changes in MobX’s state, we import the observer function. This is a higher-order component that wraps our React component, ensuring that it re-renders when the observed state changes.

import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite";

Step 3: Destructure the Sub-Store from the Provider’s Store

Inside the component, we use the useRootStore hook to get the RootStore instance and then destructure the required sub-store, such as todoListStore.

const { todoListStore } = useRootStore();

Step 4: Use Methods from the Sub-Store to Update the State

In the UI part of the component, we use methods obtained from the sub-store to update the state. In this example, we use the removeTodo method to delete an item from the todo list.

  onClick={() => todoListStore.removeTodo(todo.id)}

Step 5: Return the Component Wrapped by observer

Finally, we need to ensure that the returned component is wrapped by the observer function. This ensures that the component observes changes in the state and re-renders when the state is updated.

export default observer(TodoView);

By following these steps, we ensure that the React component can effectively use MobX 6 for state management and respond to changes in the state. Here is the complete code based on the explanation above:

 * Steps for using MobX 6 in a component:

import { useRootStore } from "../../stores/RootStore";
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite";

function TodoView({ todo }) {
  const { todoListStore } = useRootStore();

  return (
    <li className={todo.completed ? "completed" : ""}>
      <div className="view">
          onClick={() => todoListStore.removeTodo(todo.id)}
      <input className="edit" />

export default observer(TodoView);

原文链接:https://juejin.cn/post/7322020731074822184 作者:慕仲卿