


  1. 引入钩子: 在组件中引入useEffectuseRef钩子。

  2. 创建引用: 使用useRef创建一个引用(ref),并将其赋值给输入框的ref属性,以便能够访问输入框的DOM元素。

  3. 自动获取焦点: 通过useEffect钩子监听isEditing状态。当isEditingtrue时,使用引用ref.current.focus()让输入框自动获取焦点。

  4. 失焦更新数据: 在输入框的onBlur事件中,调用modifyTodoTitle(ref.current.value)函数,用于在输入框失去焦点时更新数据。

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

function Editing({ todo }) {
  // 从 todo 对象中解构出 isEditing 状态和 modifyTodoTitle 函数
  const { isEditing, modifyTodoTitle } = todo;

  // 创建一个引用,用于访问输入框 DOM 元素
  const ref = useRef(null);

  // 使用 useEffect 钩子,在 isEditing 状态变为 true 时将焦点设置到输入框
  useEffect(() => {
    if (isEditing) {
  }, [isEditing]);

  return (
      defaultValue={todo.title} // 输入框显示待办事项的当前标题
      onBlur={() => modifyTodoTitle(ref.current.value)} // 当输入框失去焦点时,调用 modifyTodoTitle 更新标题

export default Editing;


English Version

How to Implement Auto-Focus and Data Backfilling for Edit Fields in React


Controlling focus and backfilling data in edit fields are common requirements in React applications. This article explains how to use the useRef and useEffect hooks to implement auto-focus for an input field and update data after it loses focus.

Implementation Steps
  1. Import Hooks: Import useEffect and useRef hooks in the component.

  2. Create a Reference: Use useRef to create a reference (ref) and assign it to the ref attribute of the input field to access the input field’s DOM element.

  3. Auto-Focus: Utilize the useEffect hook to listen for changes in the isEditing state. When isEditing is true, use the reference ref.current.focus() to automatically focus the input field.

  4. Update Data on Blur: In the onBlur event of the input field, invoke the modifyTodoTitle(ref.current.value) function to update data when the input field loses focus.

Example Code
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

function Editing({ todo }) {
  // Destructure the isEditing state and the modifyTodoTitle function from the todo object
  const { isEditing, modifyTodoTitle } = todo;

  // Create a ref to access the input box DOM element
  const ref = useRef(null);

  // Use the useEffect hook to set focus to the input box when the isEditing state becomes true
  useEffect(() => {
    if (isEditing) {
  }, [isEditing]);

  return (
      defaultValue={todo.title} // Display the current title of the todo item in the input box
      onBlur={() => modifyTodoTitle(ref.current.value)} // Call modifyTodoTitle to update the title when the input box loses focus

export default Editing;
Feature Description

In the code above, the Editing component receives a todo object, which contains the title of the to-do item and its editing state. A reference is created using useRef, allowing continuous access to the same DOM element throughout the component’s lifecycle. The useEffect hook ensures that the input field automatically receives focus when the isEditing state is true. Additionally, when the user finishes editing and clicks elsewhere causing the input field to lose focus, the onBlur event triggers, invoking the modifyTodoTitle function to update the title of the to-do item.

原文链接:https://juejin.cn/post/7322156683466997811 作者:慕仲卿

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